

Numerical simulation on the deflection behavior of large caliber conical nose projectile at oblique high-speed water entry


结合某大口径锥头弹体高速倾斜入水试验,采用任意拉格朗日-欧拉(arbitrary Lagrange-Euler,ALE)流固耦合方法对弹体倾斜入水偏转行为进行数值模拟,研究了弹体以500 m/s高速倾斜入水过程中不同受力模式、载荷变化特征以及弹体发生偏转的力学机理,分析了入水角度对弹体偏转规律的影响.结果表明:在俯仰力矩作用下,弹体均发生抬头方向偏转,且偏转速度呈现先增大后减小的趋势,偏转程度在不同入水角度范围内呈现不同的变化趋势.当入水角度小于15°时,弹体会发生"跳弹"现象;当入水角度为30°~60°时,弹体偏转趋势基本一致,均由初始倾斜状态逐渐转动至水平状态、竖直状态并最终以弹头入水反方向的"出水"姿态向水下运动;当入水角度为75°时,弹体转动至水平状态后,并未继续偏转至竖直状态,弹头以朝斜上方的姿态向水下运动;弹体的入水侵深随入水角度的增大而增大,且增大趋势近似满足指数函数关系.

Integrated with a high-velocity oblique water entry test of a large caliber conical nose projectile,the deflection behavior of the projectile obliquely entering water was studied based on the arbitrary Lagrange-Euler (ALE) fluid-structure coupling method. Firstly,based on the experiment of a projectile impacting an inclined water tank at a high velocity,a finite element model was established to simulate the corresponding response characteristics,and the rationality of the numerical model and related method was verified. Secondly,the variation of the contact force mode and load characteristics of the projectile when the water entry velocity was 500 m/s was analyzed,and the corresponding mechanism was discussed. In addition,the influence of water entry angle on the deflection behavior of the projectile was investigated. The related analysis demonstrates that the projectile will deflect upward due to the effect of pitch moment,and the deflection velocity increases first and then decreases gradually during the entry process. The variation trends of deflection degrees are different within different entry angle ranges. When the entry angle is less than 15°,the projectile jumps usually out of the water. When the entry angle is in the range from 30°to 60°,the deflection trend of the projectile is almost the same,i.e.,the projectile rotates from the initial tilted state to a horizontal state,then to a vertical state,and moves finally downwards with its nose in the opposite direction to the initial water entry direction. When the entry angle increases to 75°,the projectile cannot continue to rotate to a vertical state after it rotates to a horizontal state,but instead moves downwards in a tilted state with its nose facing upwards. Under different water entry angles,the axial force exerted on the projectile is negative,leading to a continuous decrease in the projectile velocity. Comparatively,the transverse force is positive,and the peak value decreases with increasing water entry angle. Moreover,the penetration depth of the projectile increases with the increase of entry angle,and it almost shows an exponential relationship.


中国工程物理研究院总体工程研究所,四川绵阳 621999||工程材料与结构冲击振动四川省重点实验室,四川绵阳 621999



large caliber conical nose projectile;high-velocity oblique water entry;contact force mode;entry angle

《爆炸与冲击》 2024 (007)

66-80 / 15



