

How do Elites Promote Rural Environmental Governance:An Extended Case Study Based on the Waste Management of XZ Village


乡村环境治理具有提升乡村生态环境、满足人民美好生活期盼的功能,是实现乡村振兴和共同富裕的重要一环.学界认为"能人"在乡村环境治理中发挥着重要作用,但对于其行动机制与逻辑缺乏深入探究.本文对T老师推动XZ村垃圾治理的历时案例进行深入剖析,发现沿着驱动多元参与、带动分类推进、推动迭代升级的实践路径,能人探索出在乡村进行垃圾分类、带动可持续发展的有效模式.以此案例为基础,本文依托个案拓展法从"制度-组织-行动-维续"4 个维度入手,凝练出 4 个理论命题:第一,能人通过顺应国家发展战略大势并因地制宜推动制度创制,能够为乡村环境治理营造具有优势的宏观环境和微观空间;第二,能人在积极嵌入乡村原有结构的基础上,可以通过盘活社会资本、加强情感联结、主导合作共创等策略推动乡村环境治理的组织共同体建构;第三,能人通过亲力亲为的"示范效应"和全方位赋能的"拉动效应",能够实现乡村环境治理主体的价值观塑造和行动能力提升;第四,能人在巧用成功体验的"杠杆效应"点燃乡村环境治理主体积极性的同时,必须加强自我约束以形成"棘轮效应",防止能人依赖和治理回退.这 4 个理论命题揭示了能人推动乡村环境治理的理论逻辑.

Rural environmental governance has the function of improving rural ecological environment and meeting people's expectations for a better life,and is critical to promoting rural revitalization and common prosperity.Scholars believe that"rural elite"plays an important role in it,but there is a lack of in-depth exploration of its action mechanism and logic.This paper makes an in-depth analysis of the historical case of Teacher T's promotion of garbage treatment in XY village,and finds that along the practice path of driving multiple participation,driving classification,and promoting iterative upgrading,rural elites have explored an effective model of garbage classification in rural areas and promoting sustainable development.Based on this,this paper summarizes four theoretical propositions from four dimensions of"system-organization-action-maintenance"by extended case method:First,by adapting to the general trend of national development strategy and promoting system creation in accordance with local conditions,rural elites can create a favorable macro environment and micro space for rural environmental governance.Second,on the basis of actively embedding in the original structure of the village,rural elites can promote the construction of the organizational community of rural environmental governance through activating social capital,strengthening emotional connection,leading cooperation and other strategies.Third,through the"demonstration effect"and the"pull effect"of all-round empowerment,rural elites can realize the value shaping and action ability improvement of the main body of rural environmental governance.Fourth,while skillfully using the"leverage effect"of successful experience to ignite the enthusiasm of the main body of rural environmental governance,rural elites must strengthen self-restraint to form a"ratchet effect"to prevent rural elite's dependence and governance regression.Thus,it reveals the theory and logic of rural elite to promote rural environmental governance.


中国矿业大学(北京) 文法学院,北京 100083



《南京工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024 (003)

98-112 / 15


