

Stability analysis of weft insertion structure in high-temperature superconducting magnetic levitation


针对现有电磁投梭技术能量利用率低、引纬幅宽提升有限等问题,提出了一种基于超导磁悬浮的引纬方式,基于高温超导体的迈斯纳效应高温超导片梭能实现其自稳定悬浮,再通过设计的电磁线圈轨道产生行波磁场驱动片梭,从而实现增加片梭织机引纬幅度.由于引纬结构中永磁轨道间磁场存在相互干扰使轨道产生的磁场非对称分布,导致超导片梭两侧超导体悬浮力不相同,超导片梭不能稳定悬浮在轨道上方,后续引纬过程不能进行.为了保证引纬前片梭悬浮稳定性,通过有限元仿真软件分析超导片梭受到的悬浮力,并通过数值计算对永磁轨道磁场进行求解,从而研究磁场分布与超导片梭悬浮稳定性之间的影响.研究表明,轨道上方磁场分布对称性越高,超导片梭悬浮稳定性越高.通过数值计算方法确定了永磁轨道之间的距离为30-40 mm,即永磁轨道之间磁场发生干扰的临界距离,磁场分布具有很强对称性,超导片梭能够稳定悬浮于永磁轨道上方,并且能使超导片梭尺寸最小.

In response to the low energy utilization and limited width enhancement of existing electromagnetic let-off and take-up technologies,a method based on high-temperature superconducting(HTS)magnetic levitation for weft insertion has been proposed.Utilizing the Meissner effect of HTS,the shuttle of the weaving machine can achieve self-stabilizing levitation,and the shuttle can be driven by a traveling wave magnetic field generated by designed electromagnetic coil guides,thereby increasing the width of weft insertion of the weaving machine.Due to the mutual interference of magnetic fields between permanent magnet guides in the weft insertion structure,the magnetic field distribution generated by the guides is asymmetric.This results in unequal levitation forces on both sides of the HTS shuttle,preventing it from stable levitation above the guide.As a consequence,the subsequent weft insertion process cannot proceed.In order to ensure the stability of the shuttle levitation before weft insertion,finite element simulation software is employed to analyze the levitation forces acting on the HTS shuttle.Additionally,numerical calculations are used to solve the magnetic field of the permanent magnet guides,thereby studying the influence of magnetic field distribution on the stability of HTS shuttle levitation.Research has shown that the higher the symmetry of the magnetic field distribution above the guide,the greater the stability of the HTS shuttle levitation.Through numerical calculations,the distance between the permanent magnet guides is determined to be 30-40mm,which is the critical distance where magnetic field interference occurs between the permanent magnet guides.At this distance,the magnetic field distribution exhibits very strong symmetry,allowing the HTS shuttle to stably levitate above the permanent magnet guides.Moreover,this configuration minimizes the size of the HTS shuttle.


武汉纺织大学 机械工程与自动化学院,武汉,430073武汉纺织大学 机械工程与自动化学院,武汉,430073||武汉纺织大学 湖北省数字化纺织装备重点实验室,武汉,430073



HTS magnetic levitation weft insertion structure;wide-width weft insertion;weft insertion levitation stability;HTS magnetic levitation;magnetic field distribution;numerical computation

《纺织工程学报》 2024 (003)

62-73 / 12


