

Human Activity Recognition Based on Hybrid Feature Graph Convolutional Neural Network


基于可穿戴传感器的人体行为识别方法不能很好地处理时间序列数据采样点之间的结构信息,也忽略了数据样本之间的潜在联系.针对这一问题,提出了混合时频特征和结构特征的图卷积神经网络模型进行人体动作识别.首先,通过小波包变换获取原始信号的时频特征,进一步构建时空图提取信号的结构特征以挖掘采样点间的动态特性,并在结构特征中加入距离约束,弱化时空图中远距离邻居对中心节点的影响.其次,考虑到结构特征提取时受时空图拓扑关系影响较大,选择样本的时频特征构造图卷积神经网络的输入拓扑,混合时频特征和结构特征作为网络输入特征.最后,输入特征沿着输入拓扑结构传播,得到最终分类结果.为了评估所提模型的性能,在 WHARF和 DataEgo数据集上进行了实验验证.实验结果表明:所提模型的 F1 分数相比已有的基于卷积神经网络模型在 WHARF和DataEgo上均有提升,WHARF数据集上F1 最高提升 19.58 百分点,DataEgo数据集上F1 最高提升 26.44 百分点,证明所提出模型通过挖掘动态特性能够有效提高动作识别能力.

The existing methods for human activity recognition using wearable sensors could not capture the struc-tural information between the sampling points of time series effectively and might ignore the potential connections between samples.To address this issue,a graph convolutional neural network model with hybrid time-frequency and structural characteristics was proposed for human activity recognition.Firstly,the time-frequency characteris-tics of the original signal were obtained by wavelet-packet transform,and the spatio-temporal graph was further con-structed to extract the structural characteristics to identify the dynamic characteristics between the sampling points.The distance constraint was added to the structural characteristics to weaken the influence of long-distance neighbors on the central node on the spatio-temporal graph.Considering that the extraction of structural characteristics was greatly affected by the topological relationship of the spatio-temporal graph.The time-frequency characteristics of the samples to construct the input topology of the graph convolutional neural network were selected,and the time-frequency and structural characteristics were combined as the input features of the network.Finally,the input fea-tures propagated along the input topology to obtain the final classification result.To evaluate the performance of the proposed model,experiments were conducted on the WHARF and DataEgo datasets.Results in terms of F1 scores indicated that the proposed model outperformed existing convolutional neural network-based methods,achieving a maximum improvement of 19.58 percentage points on the WHARF dataset and 26.44 percentage points on the Da-taEgo dataset.It demonstrated that the proposed model could effectively enhance the capability of activity recogni-tion by exploiting dynamic characteristics.


常州大学 微电子与控制工程学院,江苏 常州 213000常州大学 计算机与人工智能学院,江苏 常州 213000



graph convolutional neural networks;wearable device;human activity recognition;spatio-temporal graph;feature extraction

《郑州大学学报(工学版)》 2024 (004)

46-52 / 7



