

Gem mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of the black cyan nephrite



In recent years,a kind of black cyan nephrite containing pyrite has appeared in the domestic market.It is mainly produced in Xinjiang and belongs to a relatively rare nephrite variety,which has mining and utilization value.This article systematically analyzed the mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of seven samples using conventional gemological instruments,polarized light microscopy,infrared spectroscopy,Raman spectroscopy,X-ray powder diffraction(XRD),electron probe(EPMA)laser inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry(LA-ICP-MS),and isotope mass spectrometer(MC-ICP-MS).The results show that the color of black cyan neph-rite is dark green to black,the refractive index is 1.61,the relative density is 3.08~3.17,and the Mohs hardness is 6.0~6.5.The main component mineral is tremolite,the secondary mineral is mainly pyrite,and a small amount of chlorite,epidote,sphene,zircon,and graphite are also contained,with a typical fiber interlaced struc-ture;The characteristic peaks of infrared and Raman spectra are consistent with the standard peaks of nephrite;The main chemical components of the sample are SiO2,MgO,CaO and FeO.The Mg/(Mg+Fe2+)value indicates that some tremolite has transitioned to actinolite.Based on the trace element Cr-Ni mapping,the sample is identified as a dolomite marble type genesis,while the content of rare earth elements is relatively low,in a left leaning mode,The ore-forming hydrothermal fluid is mainly magmatic water,containing a small amount of metamorphic water.The sample contains pyrite with Co/Ni>1 and small amounts of As,Se,Cu,Zn and Pb,δ34Sranges from 8.87%o to 20.92%o,suggesting that it is of magmatic-hydrothermal origin and the source of sulfur is a mixture of magma and formation sulfur.


河北地质大学,河北石家庄 050031||中国地质调查局 自然资源实物地质资料中心,河北三河 065201河北地质大学,河北石家庄 050031||河北省岩石矿物材料绿色开发重点实验室,河北石家庄 050031||硅酸盐固废资源化利用河北省工程研究中心,河北石家庄 050031河北地质大学,河北石家庄 050031



black cyan nephrite;pyrite;gemology and mineralogy;hydrogen-oxygen-sulfur isotope

《岩石矿物学杂志》 2024 (003)

630-642 / 13

National Natural Science Foundation of China(42002156);Natural Science Foundation of Hebei Provincial(D2021403015);Science and Technology Project of Hebei Education Department(QN2021027);National Pre-research Project of Hebei Geology University(KY2024YB01) 国家自然科学基金项目(42002156);河北省自然科学基金项目(D2021403015);河北省高等学校科学技术研究项目(QN2021027);河北地质大学国家预研项目(KY2024YB01)


