

Thought Analysis of Six Meridian Diagnosis and Treatment in Song Feng Shuo Yi



In Song Feng Shuo Yi,the classification method of epidemic diseases of three kinds was proposed for the first time.In this book,the name of"epidemic disease"was distinguished and illustrated.The Yun Qi Theory in Huang Di Nei Jing and the six meridian syndrome theory in Su Wen·Re Lun are consided as the basis for the six meridian pathology of the epidemic diseases.Drawing on the syndrome differentiation and treatment system of the six meridians in Shang Han Lun,the six meridian ideas are used to treat epidemic diseases,and the"six meridian treatment method of epidemic disease"was created.In Song Feng Shuo Yi,it is pointed out that the Three Yang meridian syndrome of the epidemic disease should be treated by using purging Wei Qi,clearing Heat and harmonizing meth-ods,and harmonizing;When it is the Yangming Fu syndrome,due to its dry Heat and excess of the Fu,the treatment should be nouris-hing Yin and relieving Heat with diarrhea;If it is the Three Yin meridian syndrome,methods of sweating and cooling blood are usually use through examination of the meridians.This not only expands the scope of application of the differentiation and treatment system of the"Six Meridians"in traditional Chinese medicine,but also provides reference for the treatment of pathological mechanisms and syn-dromes such as exogenous Heat diseases and miscellaneous diseases.


北京中医药大学,北京 100029||贵州中医药大学,贵州 贵阳 550025贵州中医药大学,贵州 贵阳 550025北京中医药大学,北京 100029



Song Feng Shuo Yi;epidemic disease;six meridian differentiation and treatment;Huang Di Nei Jing;Shang Han Lun

《中医学报》 2024 (006)

1220-1223 / 4



