

Annual Observation Report on Environmental Legislation in China(2023)


2023 年中国环境立法的基本特征是立法范围的拓展,人居环境保护制度在不同层级的立法中得到了不同程度、不同角度的规定,生态保护也逐步成为相对独立的立法主题.生态环境法典编纂进入立法规划已经影响到环境立法研究和实践,环境法律和行政法规制定和修改的节奏放缓,特殊区域生态保护立法出台,融入环境保护制度的法律法规逐步增多.环境司法解释继续发挥重要的制度构建功能.环境类部门规章主要在碳减排立法方面取得了新的进展,其他制度也在不断发展.地方环境立法总体上在多年来形成的轨道上平稳前行,立法主题、立法方式等出现了一些有意义的创新,包括人居环境立法的增多、融入其他立法的环境保护制度越来越多,但地方性法规与地方政府规章分工不清、热衷于区域保护立法和协同立法、执行性规则设计不到位等问题仍旧存在,地方环境立法的实质内容改进仍有较大空间.环境立法研究主要关注生态环境法典编纂、环境公益诉讼立法等主题,环境法律制度的研究仍呈现点状集中的特征,并较多与生态环境法典编纂相关联,对地方环境立法的评价和分析逐渐增多.

The basic feature of China's environmental legislation in 2023 is the expansion of the scope of legislation.The system for protecting the human settlement environment has been stipulated to different degrees and from different perspectives in legislation at different levels,and ecological protection has gradually become a relatively independent subject of legislation.The codification of ecological and environmental code,which has entered the legislative planning stage,has already begun to influence environmental legislative research and practice.The pace of enacting and amending environmental laws and administrative regulations has slowed down,while legislation on ecological protection in special regions has been introduced,and the number of laws and regulations incorporating environmental protection systems has gradually increased.Judicial interpretations on environmental issues continue to play a crucial role in system construction.Among the environmental departmental regulations,new progress has been made primarily in carbon emission reduction legislation,while other systems are also continually evolving.Overall,local environmental legislation has been progressing smoothly along the track formed over the years,with some meaningful innovations emerging in legislative themes and approaches,including an increase in legislation on the human settlement environment and the integration of environmental protection systems into other legislation.However,issues such as unclear division of local regulations and local government rules,enthusiasm for regional protection legislation and collaborative legislation,and inadequate design of enforcement rules still exist,indicating considerable room for improvement in the substantive content of local environmental legislation.Research on environmental legislation mainly focuses on topics such as the codification of ecological and environmental code and legislation on environmental public interest litigation.Studies on the environmental legal system still exhibit a spot-like concentrated characteristic,often associated with the codification of ecological and environmental code,and there is a gradual increase in the evaluation and analysis of local environmental legislation.


华南理工大学 法学院,广东 广州 510006



《南京工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024 (002)

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