

Mechanical characterization and simulation of yarn cylinder changing with robot gripping arm based on ADAMS


利用机械臂代替人工完成大型织机车间纱筒换料任务,可以降低企业用工成本,提高生产效率,然而传统机械臂基座通常固定于地面,作业区域受限,使用率低.由此,本文设计出一种将AGV小车与六自由度抓取机械臂相结合的纱筒自动换料智能化装备的基本构型,提出了纱筒自主换料作业运动规划,相比于传统的换料方式,本系统在纱筒换料作业中更为灵活.在纱筒抓取过程中抓取机械臂与纱筒之间存在力的接触,抓取力的控制是完成抓取作业的关键,基于此,本文在传统拉格朗日法的基础上结合非线性阻尼力与非线性弹性力的影响推导建立了此六自由度机械臂的动力学方程,利用ADAMS软件建立纱筒换料六自由度抓取机械臂的动力学仿真模型,通过动力学仿真模拟作业流程,利用后处理功能获取各关节力学曲线验证机械臂抓取的可靠性.仿真结果表明:纱筒换料六自由度抓取机械臂作业过程中,单个关节位移最大值约为1.3 m,运动最大速度为0.4 m/s,能够满足织机车间纱筒换料的生产需要,运动阶段转换时关节加速度变化值基本保持在0.05 m/s2,受力稳定,抓取换料平稳可靠,这对企业提高自动化程度,实现高质量发展具有重要理论参考价值.

The use of robotic arms instead of manual labor to complete the task of changing yarn cylinders in large-scale weaving machine workshops can reduce enterprises'labor costs and improve production efficiency.However,traditional robotic arms are usually fixed to the ground,restricting their operating area and leading to low utilization rates.Thus,this paper designs a basic configuration of intelligent equipment for automatic yarn cylinder material changing,which combines an AGV cart and a six-degree-of-freedom robotic gripping arm.It also proposes motion planning for autonomous yarn cylinder material changing operations,offering greater flexi-bility compared to traditional methods.In the process of gripping the yarn cylinder with the robotic arm,there is force contact between them,and controlling the gripping force is crucial to completing the operation.Based on this,this paper combines the traditional Lagrangian method with the influence of nonlinear damping force and nonlinear elastic force to derive the kinetic equations of the six degrees of freedom robotic arm.The ADAMS software is then utilized to establish a dynamics simulation model for the six degrees of freedom yarn cylinder changing with robotic gripping arm.Through kinetic simulation,the operation process is simulated,and post-processing functions are used to obtain mechanical curves for each joint to verify the reliability of the robotic arm's gripping mechanism.The simulation results indicate that during the operation process of the six-degree-of-freedom gripping manipulator for spool material replacement,the maximum displacement of a single joint is ap-proximately 1.3 meters,and the maximum motion speed is 0.4 meters per second.This is sufficient to meet the production needs of spool material replacement in weaving machine workshops.During the transition between motion stages,the change in joint acceleration remains generally around 0.05 m/s2,ensuring stable force and re-liable gripping and material replacement.This has important theoretical reference value for enterprises to im-prove automation and achieve high-quality development.


武汉纺织大学 机械工程与自动化学院,武汉 430200武汉纺织大学 机械工程与自动化学院,武汉 430200||武汉纺织大学 数字化纺织装备湖北省重点实验室,武汉 430200



textile workshop;cylinder change;gripper arm;Lagrange equation;dynamic properties

《纺织工程学报》 2024 (002)

28-39 / 12


