

Effect of Precocious Puberty on Glucose and Lipid Metabolism in Female Rats


[目的]探究雌性大鼠性早熟对糖代谢和脂代谢的影响.[方法]将60只两天龄的雌性大鼠随机分为性早熟组和正常组两组,分别在5天龄时给予达那唑(300 μg/只)或溶剂大豆油进行皮下注射,从21天龄起每天观察大鼠的阴道开口状况.建模成功的两组按照阴道开口顺序分别于阴道开口后3 d、7周龄和12周龄进行处死,处死前空腹12 h.[方法]测量麻醉后的体重和鼻肛长,通过酶联免疫吸附试验测量葡萄糖、胰岛素、血脂、雌二醇、瘦素和脂联素的浓度,病理切片观察肾周脂肪、子宫和卵巢的变化.[结果]通过正常组和早熟组两组3个时间点对比,早熟组在阴道开口3 d时体质量和鼻肛长小于正常组,但是不影响后续生长发育,7周龄和12周龄时两组体质量和鼻肛长差异无统计学意义.两组的胰岛素浓度对比在阴道开口后3天内有统计学意义(P = 0.001),早熟组存在高胰岛素血症,且早熟组此时的肾周脂肪细胞增多,在7和12周龄差异无统计学意义,两组3个时间点的雌二醇、瘦素和脂联素浓度差异均无统计学意义,两组卵巢和子宫与体质量的比重差异无统计学意义.[结论]通过两组大鼠的对比,性早熟使机体提前跨越发育的时间窗,不能适应内环境的骤变,产生的一系列变化只是暂时性且可逆性,至成年期会恢复.

[Objective]To explore the effect of precocious puberty on glucose metabolism and lipid metabolism in fe-male rats.[Methods]Sixty two-day-old female rats were randomly divided into 2 groups.When aged 5 days,the preco-cious puberty group and normal group were given a single subcutaneous injection of danazol and solvent soybean oil respec-tively.The vaginal opening of rats was monitored from their 21 days of age.After 12 hours of fasting,all successful model-ing rats were randomly executed within 3 days after vaginal opening,when aged 7 and 12 weeks.Then we measured the rats'body weight and length,determined the concentrations of glucose,insulin,blood lipids,estradiol,leptin and adipo-nectin with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and observed the pathological changes of perirenal fat,uterus and ovary.[Results]For body weight and length,rats in the precocious puberty group were smaller than those in the normal group within 3 days after vaginal opening,but which did not affect their subsequent growth and development,and there was no significant difference between the two groups at 7 and 12 weeks of age.Within 3 days after vaginal opening,insulin levels had significant difference between the two groups(P = 0.001),the precocious group showed hyperinsulinemia and in-creased number of perirenal adipocytes.At three execution times,no significant difference was noted in estradiol,leptin and adiponectin levels between the two groups.The same was true in the ratios of ovary or uterus to body weight between the two groups.[Conclusions]Precocious puberty makes earlier onset of pubertal development and allows body maladapta-tion to the sudden changes of the internal environment.However,the changes due to precocious puberty are temporary and reversible,and they may become normal in adulthood.


中山大学附属第一医院儿科,广东 广州 510080



precocious puberty;glucose metabolism;lipid metabolism;insulin resistance;female rat

《中山大学学报(医学科学版)》 2024 (002)

233-242 / 10


