

The Inheritance and its Clinical Experiences of Family Zhang's Academic School of TCM Internal Medicine in Changyuan of Henan Province


作为河南省首批优质中医学术流派,河南长垣张氏中医内科流派传承脉络清晰,学术思想鲜明,临床经验丰富,是中原医学流派的重要代表之一.该流派创立者张清连在地域文化影响下,传承家学,儒医兼通,擅长运用中医药诊治肺病、脾胃病、痹证、男科疾病等中医内科疾病.第二代传承人张超然主张为医重在治病救人,除精通家传医学外,在中医外科、妇科、儿科方面也多有创新和突破.第三代传承人张华甫为豫北名老中医,从事中医临床工作 60 余年,临证注重从天人合一、形神合一的整体观念入手,强调三因制宜和四诊合参,擅长诊治中医内科疑难杂病,尤其在脾胃病和肝胆病的辨证论治方面具有独特的学术见解和丰富的临床经验;张庆瑞擅长治疗中医妇科和内科杂病,对肝病和神智疾患有所研究,注重培补脾胃,顾全正气.第四代传承人张景祖为河南省名中医,擅长运用中医药诊治肺病、脾胃病、痹证、男科疾病、肾病、糖尿病、脑病等疑难杂症,致力于清肺平喘丸、补肾生精丸等流派代表经验方,胃肠病中医疗法、痹证中医疗法等流派特色疗法的临床运用和研究;张昱在继承家学基础之上,师从国医大师王绵之等中医名家,擅长运用传统中医药或中西医结合的方法治疗急慢性肾炎、肾病综合征、慢性肾功能衰竭、糖尿病肾病、痛风性肾病、高血压性肾损害、紫癜性肾炎、狼疮性肾炎等各类肾脏疾病.

As one of the first batch of high-quality academic schools of traditional Chinese medicine in Henan Province,Family Zhang's school of TCM internal medicine in Changyuan,Henan Province has a clear inheritance,distinct academic ideas and rich clinical experi-ences,which is one of the important representatives of the Central Plains medical school.Under the influence of regional culture,Zhang Qinglian,the founder of the school,inherited family learning,learned Confucianism and medicine,and was good at using TCM to treat lung disease,spleen and stomach disease,impediment syndrome,male diseases and other TCM internal diseases.Zhang Chaoran,the second-generation inheritor,advocated to focus on saving lives in medicine.In addition to mastering the field of family medicine,he also made many innovations and breakthroughs in TCM surgery,gynecology and pediatrics.Zhang Huafu,a third-generation inheritor was a famous Chinese medicine doctor in Northern Henan,who had engaged in TCM clinical work for more than 60 years.He focused on the holism concept of unity of man and nature,unity of body and spirit,emphasized three kinds of causes and combination of four kinds of diagnosis methods,and was good at diagnosing and treating TCM internal diseases,especially spleen-stomach diseases,and liver-gall-bladder diseases.Zhang Qingrui,another third-generation inheritor was good at treating TCM gynecology and internal diseases,and had some research on liver diseases and psychosomatic diseases,paying attention to nourishing the spleen and stomach,and protecting the healthy qi.Zhang Jingzu,a fourth-generation inheritor is a famous Chinese medicine doctor in Henan Province.He is good at using TCM to diagnose and treat lung diseases,spleen and stomach diseases,impediment syndrome,male diseases,kidney diseases,diabetes,en-cephalopathy and other difficult miscellaneous diseases.He is committed to the clinical application and research of representative proven formulas,such as Lung-Clearing and Asthma-Relieving Pills,Kidney-Supplementing and Essence-Generating Pills,TCM treatment of gastrointestinal diseases,TCM treatment of impediment syndrome and other schools of characteristic therapies.Zhang Yu,another fourth-generation inheritor,on the basis of inheriting the family teaching,learned from the master of TCM Wang Mianzhi and other famous TCM doctors.He is good at using TCM or integrated TCM and Western medicine to treat acute and chronic nephritis,nephrotic syndrome,chronic renal failure,diabetic nephropathy,gouty nephropathy,hypertensive renal damage,purpuric nephritis,lupus nephritis and other types of kidney diseases.


河南中医药大学,河南 郑州 450046||医药卫生报社,河南 郑州 450046长垣中西医结合医院,河南 长垣 453400中国中医科学院西苑医院,北京 100091河南省中西医结合医院,河南 郑州 450007



《河南中医》 2024 (004)

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