

Peaceful Yin and Compact Yang and Repelling Yin and Repelling Yang



"All things in nature bear yin and embrace yang."Yin and yang are in the dynamic balance of mutual rooting and mutual use and unity of opposition,that is,yin is peaceful and yang is compact,which is a description of the homeostasis of the body,including even homeostasis,weak homeostasis and strong homeostasis.If the steady state is broken,there may be a pathological state of repelling yin and repelling yang,mainly related to compact yang.Insufficient compact yang and yang floating outside leads to repelling yang with syndrome of true cold and false heat,while excessive compact yang fails to penetrate outside leads to repelling yin with the syndrome of true heat and false cold.For syndrome of excessive yin repelling yang,classified Major and Minor Center-Fortifying Decoction can be used to strength yang with light and clear properties;Licorice and Rhizoma Zingiberis Decoction,and Center-Regulating Decoction are used to warm,replenish and strength yang;classified Frigid Extremities Decoction is used to strengthen yang with pungent and warm properties.As a whole,strengthening yang is the key line.For the pathogenesis characteristics of syndrome of excessive yang repelling yin marked by blocked yang failing to penetrating outside,sweating,purging and clearing methods are adopted to dredge yang for expel-ling heat through the exterior and removing from the interior.For those with exterior exterior but no sweat,Three Yellows and Gypsum Decoction can be used.For interior excess failing to make a bowel movement,Three Purgative Decoction can be used.For excessive heat without interior-exterior syndrome,White Tiger Decoction is used to remove toxin.As a whole,expelling heat through the exterior and re-moving from the interior is regarded as the key line.


上海市嘉定区安亭镇黄渡社区卫生服务中心,上海 201804上海中医药大学,上海 201203



peaceful yin and compact yang;repelling yin;repelling yang;tonifying fire and strengthening yang;expelling heat through the exterior and removing from the interior

《河南中医》 2024 (004)

517-520 / 4



