

Functional properties of NiTi shape memory alloys and their application development


NiTi形状记忆合金(shape memory alloys,SMAs)作为一种智能材料,具有良好的超弹性、形状记忆效应和生物相容性等功能特性,被广泛应用于航空航天、医疗器械和工程建筑等领域.其中超弹性在宏观上表现为发生较大的变形仍能恢复原形状,且其远大于常见金属可恢复的弹性应变.形状记忆效应则是温度激励下奥氏体和马氏体两相的相互转变,根据宏观变形分为单程、双程和全程形状记忆效应.而NiTi SMAs的生物相容性体现在低弹性模量和低生物毒性等方面,可应用于正畸、矫正、心血管支架等医疗器件.为充分发挥NiTi SMAs 的功能,研究者们不断开发NiTi SMAs相关的智能结构.本文简要综述了近年来研究和发展 NiTi SMAs 的不同功能特性及其对应的智能结构典型应用,详细介绍和讨论了NiTi SMAs的功能特性、关注问题和应用领域.同时,也对 NiTi SMAs 阻尼性能和储氢特性进行了阐述.最后,展望了NiTi SMAs在各领域应用上尚需重点关注的问题:利用增材制造技术调控微观结构实现超弹性的稳定性提升;通过建立本构模型为形状记忆效应的稳定应用提供理论指导,并进一步优化结构实现形状记忆效应的宏观放大;提高NiTi SMAs在生物环境里的耐腐蚀性和医疗应用推广.因此,推动NiTi SMAs 在不同应用领域的个性化和功能定制化,尚需大量的跨学科研究.

As a sort of intelligent material,NiTi shape memory alloys(SMAs)are widely used in the fields of aerospace,medical devices and construction due to their functional properties such as excellent superelasticity,shape memory effect and biocompatibility.Superelasticity is characterized by a macroscopic recovery of the original shape despite large deformations,and is much larger than the recoverable elastic strain of common metals.The shape memory effect is the mutual transformation of austenite and martensite phases under temperature excitation,which is categorized into one-way,two-way and all-round shape memory effects according to the macroscopic deformation.The biocompatibility of NiTi SMAs is reflected in the low elastic modulus and low biotoxicity,which can be used in medical devices such as orthodontics,orthopedics,and cardiovascular stents.In order to fully exploit the applications of these functional properties,researchers are developing intelligent structures based on NiTi SMAs.This paper focuses on the review of the intelligent structures'applications corresponding to the different functional properties of NiTi SMAs,and introduces and discusses functional properties,problems and application fields.Meanwhile,damping and hydrogen storage properties of NiTi SMAs are explained in detail.Finally,this paper underlines the problems that need to be focused on and addressed in the applications of NiTi SMAs in various engineering fields:using additive manufacturing to tailoring the microstructure to achieve the stability improvement of superelasticity;providing theoretical guidance for the stable shape memory effect through the establishment of the intrinsic model,and further optimizing the structure to achieve the macroscopic amplification of the shape memory effect;as well as improving the corrosion resistance of NiTi SMAs in biological environments and the promotion of medical applications.Therefore,a great deal of interdisciplinary research is needed to promote the personalization and functional customization of NiTi SMAs in different applications.


华南理工大学 国家金属材料近净成形工程技术研究中心,广州 510640华南理工大学 国家金属材料近净成形工程技术研究中心,广州 510640||广东技术师范大学 机电学院, 广州 510665



NiTi shape memory alloys;functional property;intelligent structure

《材料工程》 2024 (002)


60-77 / 18



