

Wu Youke's Clinical Thinking on Treating Epidemic from Perspective of Wen Yi Lun



Wu Youke,by using Moyuan theory,proposed the initial onset of the epidemic is different from the surface syndrome of ty-phoid fever,and he propose the treatment method of promoting the collapse of the evil factors with Dayuan Yin.The essence of Xie Ke Mu Yuan(Dayuan Yin syndrome)is the severe Dampness and Heat retention in the Middle Energizer.Tongue examination shows a dark red or dark purple tongue,with white and thick coating on the tongue as a hallmark symptom.Wu Youke's first step in treating epi-demics is to use Dayuan Yin and Sanxiao Yin,which are spicy,warm,and dry in character,to promote Qi circulation,promote the break-down of the evil factors and transform Dampness and Heat into a simple Heat syndrome.The purpose is only to treat the Xie Ke Mu Yuan syndrome at the beginning of the epidemic,but not the main formula for treating the epidemic.Sanxiao Yin is more reflective of Wu Youke's clinical thinking than Dayuan Yin.The second step is to choose the corresponding treatment method based on the transfor-mation of the evil factors after its collapse.The key to treatment is to use Da Cheng Qi Decoction to attack the evil factor in Stomach and Bai Hu Decoction to clear and relieve internal Heat.Therefore,Wu Youke believed that the key treatment lies almost entirely in the later stages,always focusing on promoting the collapse of the evil factors and the expelling of them.Wu Youke's clinical thinking in treating epidemics has strong clinical guidance value for treatment of the syndrome of Dampness and Heat retention in the Middle Energizer.


首都医科大学附属北京中医医院,北京 100010



epidemic;Xie Ke Mu Yuan syndrome;Syndrome of Dampness and Heat in the Middle Energizer;Dayuan Yin;Sanxiao Yin;Da Cheng Qi Decoction;Bai Hu Decoction;Wu Youke;Wen Yi Lun

《中医学报》 2024 (001)

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