

Pathogenesis and Clinical Treatment of Renal Cancer and Metastasis Based on Theory of"Sanjiao and Mingmen"



Renal cancer occurs due to the deficiency of the Mingmen and the deficiency of the Kidney element,which leads to the disad-vantageous Qi mechanism of the Sanjiao.Over time,there is endogenous Phlegm Dampness and blood stasis,which is a syndrome of de-ficiency in root and excess in symptom.The pathogenesis of lung metastasis in renal cell carcinoma is the deficiency of Lung Yin and Yang,and the obstruction of the Sanjiao,which leads to the accumulation of Phlegm in the Lung,resulting in Lung accumulation.Kidney governs bone and generates marrow.Renal cancer is originally caused by a deficiency of Kidney Yuan Qi as well as deficiency of Kidney yin and yang.The Kidney Essence hidden in the Mingmen is insufficient,which cannot nourish the bones.If the bones lose nourish-ment,they are easily invaded by cancer Toxin and other Evil factors,leading to bone necrosis.The brain is a sea of marrow,and due to Kidney deficiency,the sea of marrow loses nourishment.Phlegm and blood stasis can easily disturb the clear orifices,block the blood flow of the brain meridians,and thus lead to brain metastasis.The main lymph nodes of the Sanjiao are enlarged lymph nodes around the body if the Sanjiao is not smooth and Phlegm stasis condenses into lymphadenopathy.The clinical treatment of renal cancer metastasis should be based on the fundamental method of warming and tonifying the Mingmen,strengthening the foundation,and treating the symp-toms of metastasis with the methods of regulating the Qi mechanism of Sanjiao,removing blood stasis and Phlegm as well as detoxifying and dispersing nodules.At the same time,emphasis should be placed on tonifying the Spleen and Stomach.If the Spleen and Stomach are strong,the source of Yuan Qi will not be exhausted an can achieve the goal of nourishing the acquired and in turn nourishing the in-nate.


山西中医药大学,山西 太原 030024山西省中医药研究院,山西 太原 030012



renal cancer;renal cancer lung metastasis;renal cancer bone metastasis;renal cancer brain metastasis;renal cancer lymph metastasis;"Sanjiao and Mingmen"theory

《中医学报》 2024 (001)

34-38 / 5



